Welcome to my website, a heartfelt tribute to the incredible journey of my father and other World War II veterans. Within these pages, you'll find a curated collection of posts, articles, images, and materials that chronicle his remarkable experiences and the personal stories of others within the larger narrative of this cataclysmic war. Fresh stories will be added regularly for you to enjoy, and learn more about the war through the eyes of individuals.
Dan Hoffman
“Every night and the last two days, we are hearing sirens and planes 24 hours a day. At night we can really see the planes light up [the cities] that are being bombed. We don’t stop to take any breaks once we start in the night…to make good time. It’s too cold to sleep in the daytime and we can’t afford to build fires, so we suffer all day but it is worth it. We are well on our way now and hoping and praying that we can make it back and show that we are still American soldiers, which all of us are mighty proud to be. 4 Proud Yanks."
PFC Rick Hoffman